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What Is CoHost’s Audience Profile And How Does It Inform Your Podcast Strategy?

Explore CoHost's Audience Profile dashboard and the data you can leverage from it about who your listeners are. 

What is CoHost’s Audience Profile?

CoHost’s Audience Profile breaks down your audience behavior by showing you which listening apps and browsers they are using, the time of day they're tuning into your show, and where they're located in the world.

Your Audience Profile can be found in the analytics section of CoHost…


How CoHost’s Audience Profile informs your show:

1) Level up your promotional tactics

Know where your audience is listening, their social media behaviors, and their preferences to help you better promote your podcast. For example, if you know the majority of your audience listens on Apple Podcasts and frequently posts on Instagram prioritize your presence on Instagram and consider running ads on Apple Podcasts.


2) Time your releases

Use the time of day chart to better pinpoint when your audience wants to listen to your show, so you can reach your audience when it’s most convenient for them. 


3) Enhance advertising and sponsorship opportunities 

CoHost’s comprehensive listener profiles provide all the information advertisers and sponsors seek. Additionally, If you're advertising your show on Spotify, Podcast Addict, or Castbox, use this information to tailor the ads to your show's most popular locations. 


4) Tailor your content to listener preferences

Audience Advanced Demographics gives you insight into your listeners’ age, household income, geolocation, pets, lifestyle, social media behaviors and interests, and more, so you can best tailor your content to their preferences. 


5) Verify your podcast is reaching its desired audience 

Creating a quality podcast is only part of the equation. The other half is reaching your ideal listeners. CoHost’s Audience Profile includes key information about your audience’s listening behavior, preferences, and demographics, so you can ensure your show is reaching and resonating with your target audience.