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How To Use CoHost’s Audio Insertion

Add pre and post-roll audio files to multiple podcast episodes at once, enabling streamlined ad placement, dynamic updates, and cross-promotions without editing each episode individually.

With CoHost’s Audio Insertion, you can add pre and post-roll audio files to your podcast at mass without having to edit individual episodes. 

You can use Audio Insertion to:

  1. Insert pre and post-roll sponsor or brand ads to your podcast content;
  2. Dynamically change the intro and outros of your episodes to reduce editing time;
  3. Add cross-promotions at the beginning or end of select episodes.

Here’s how it works:

Audio Library

Your audio library is a place to add, organize, and store the audio files that you would like to insert into your episodes.

Add New Audio

1. Head to “Audio Insertion” in the sidebar.

2. Click “Add New Audio”

3. Enter a name for your content

4. Choose your content type

5. Click “Next”

6. Click “Upload” and add the audio file you would like to insert


7. Click “Next: Add content locations”

8. Choose where you want to place the audio in your episodes. You can choose pre-roll (the beginning of the episode) or post-roll (the end of your episode) for any of your episodes.

9. If the episode does not have an audio file in a pre or post-roll placement, simply check it off in the list.

10. If an episode already has an audio file in a pre or post-roll placement, but you would like to replace it, click the replace icon. Click “Yes, replace” and then check off the placement to add the content you’re currently inserting to the episode.

11. Once you’ve decided on the placement of the audio within your episodes, click “Create and publish audio” to go live. OR if you’d like to preview how your placements sound, click “Save as draft” and head to the Episode Editor tab.

12. When the audio insert has gone live it will say “Live” in the status column of the library.


Episode Editor

The episode editor allows you to add, edit, and preview your audio insertions for each of your episodes.

1. Click the “Episode Editor” tab to get started

2. Your episodes will be listed, each labeled with which audio placements are currently added to them.

3. Click the drop-down to see which ads are inserted into an individual episode.

4. To add, edit, or preview audio insertions, click the pencil button.

Episode Editor: Adding or replacing audio

To add audio: Under pre-roll or post-roll, click the drop-down and select the audio you would like to insert.


To replace audio: If audio is already added, it will display the name of the file. Simply click the drop-down and choose the file you would like to replace the audio within the pre or post-roll placement.

Preview Audio Insertions

  1. In the episode editor, below the pre and post-roll drop-downs, you will see each of your audio files laid out with your pre-roll on top, your episode file in the middle, and your post-roll at the bottom.
  2. To preview what the audio sounds like together, play the first audio file and move to where you want to preview the content. If you want to preview the transition to the next file, the audio you are playing will automatically play after the one above has finished. That way, you can hear what each file sounds like when stitched together for your listeners.

See CoHost’s Audio Insertion in Action