How To Invite Other Users To My CoHost Account
If you’re interested in inviting team members, clients, or other stakeholders to your CoHost account, check out the steps below to see how.
Within your CoHost account, it’s easy to add multiple team members, clients, or other relevant users to specific podcasts.
With each new team member you add, you’ll be able to control what permissions they have within the account (more on this below).
Here’s how to add a new team member to your CoHost account:
1. Head over to “Team”
In the left sidebar or menu, select “Team”.

2. Click “Invite Member”
At the top right of the table, select “Invite Member”.
3. Enter email addresses
Simply enter your new team member’s email address and choose which permissions you would like to give them.
Permission options include:
- Manage Episodes: The user can add, edit, view, and delete episodes.
- View Show Analytics: The user can view show data but cannot edit anything.
- Manage Tracking Links: The user can create tracking links and share them.
- Access Distribution: The user can submit your show’s RSS feeds or add a prefix.
- Publish Transcriptions: The user can create, edit, publish, and export transcriptions.
- Manage Website: The user can enable, customize, and edit your website and its SEO settings.
- Manage Team Members: The user can add, edit, and delete team members.
- Access Billing: The user can add or edit billing information as well as view/download invoices.
- Manage Audio Insertion: The user can add and manage pre and post-roll audio insertion within episodes.
You can give the user as many or as few permissions as you’d like.
4. Click “Invite Member”
Select “Invite Member” at the bottom right corner.
From here you’ll see your team member’s email under “Pending Invitations”. Once they accept the invitation, they’ll be added to your show’s team.

Explore more details on adding, managing, and deleting team members here or check out the video below:
If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team.