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How To Add And Manage Team Members

Invite, manage, and remove team members from your CoHost account from the “Team” section of your dashboard.

If your show has multiple team members working on it or clients who want to view their data, it has never been easier to invite and manage them in your CoHost account. 

You can invite any team members or clients to access certain areas of the show’s CoHost account such as show analytics, tracking links, episode management, transcription management, and more. 

Here’s how to get started:

Add A Team Member

1. Head over to “Team” in the left sidebar

2. Click “Invite Member” at the top right of the table.

3. Enter your team member’s email and choose which permissions you would like to give them access to and click “Invite Member”. You can add them to as many or as few permissions as you’d like. 

4. You will see your team member’s email under “Pending Invitations”. Once they accept their invitation in the email sent to them, they will be added to your show’s team.

Edit Team Member Permissions

CoHost gives you the ability to edit your team members’ permissions at any time.

1. Head to “Team” in the left sidebar.

2. Click the pencil icon beside the team member you would like to edit.

3. Check or uncheck the permissions you would like to give or remove from your team members’ accounts. Click “Update Permissions” once finished.

Delete Team Members

You can easily delete a team member from your show at any time.

1. Head to “Team” on the left sidebar.

2. Click the garbage bin icon beside the team member you wish to delete.

3. A window will pop up to confirm if you would like to proceed. Click “Delete”.

See CoHost’s Team Management in Action

If you need help adding, managing, or removing team members at any time, please send a note to our support team.